
Zatonka 1

Šetalište kneza Branimira 21, 23232 Zaton
Area size 1030 m2
Check in /
check out
  • from 14:00 h to 24:00 h
  • from 6:00 h to 10:00 h
Object amenities
  • Internet
  • Parking
  • Yard or garden
Apartment B1 (Apartment)
3 persons Unit details
Apartment B3 (Apartment)
4 persons Unit details
Apartment B5 (Apartment)
4 persons Unit details
Apartment B7 (Apartment)
6 persons Unit details
  • airport:
    30 km
  • train station:
    15 km
  • grocery:
    1 km
  • market:
    1.8 km
  • town center:
    1 km
  • bus station:
    15 km
  • health center or emergency:
    1.6 km
  • exchange:
    13 km
  • post office:
    1.8 km
  • gas station:
    1 km
  • pharmacy:
    1.6 km
  • casino:
    13 km
  • disco club:
    12 km
  • other sporting facilities:
    1 km
  • à la carte restaurant:
    200 m
  • sea:
    30 m
  • beach:
    30 m
  • ATM or bank:
    200 m
  • tennis court:
    900 m
  • mini-golf court:
    500 m

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